Monthly Archives: April 2013

Your Body Your Diet: New Vid = Massive Conversion Boost

Burn Fat Now

The weight loss presentation on this page will show you some great tips on how to lose your belly fat and get a lean sexy stomach. This is not a gimmick… this is rock-solid science combined with common sense on the healthiest type of nutrition plan that eliminates your cravings, stimulate the burning of stubborn abdominal fat, and most importantly — the mindset tips and tricks that you NEED in order to maintain your own perfect body for the long term. Remember: Watch the entire video, as the end will surprise you!

All items and claims expressed by our users only reflect their own specific results, may not be typical, and are not guaranteed.
We are very proud of what our program has done for many people and we hope you are too.

View the original article here

Simple Sixpack – Best Converting German Fitness Product?!

Thomas Bluhm

Hey, willkommen auf

Mein Name ist Thomas Bluhm und ich möchte dir mit dieser Webseite helfen einen flachen Bauch oder gar ein Sixpack zu bekommen.

Aus eigener Erfahrung weiß ich, wie schwer es sein kann Bauchfett für immer los zu werden. In einer Welt, die voller Informationen ist, weiß man oft nicht, welchen Ratschlag man befolgen soll oder wen man vertrauen kann.

Ich kenne die Problemzone Bauch nur zu gut von mir selbst. Glücklicherweise habe ich es geschafft meinen Bauchspeck für immer zu besiegen und ein Sixpack aufzubauen.

In diesem kostenlosen Video zeige ich dir, mit welcher einfachen Lösung ich es geschafft habe und du auch schaffen kannst. Ganz ohne Training und völlig natürlich.

Du wirst erstaunt sein, wie einfach man einen flachen Bauch bekommen kann.

Beste Grüße

Autor, Fitnessexperte und lizensierter Fitnesstrainer

View the original article here

Bikini Body Shape Up

Bikini Body Shape Up function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;‘’+encodeURIComponent(u)+’&t=’+encodeURIComponent(t),’sharer’,’toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436′);return false;} html .fb_share_link { padding:2px 0 0 20px; height:16px; background:url( no-repeat top left; }Share on FacebookFinally An Online Bikini Body Workout Program That Is Guaranteed To Flatten Your Stomach, Shape Up Your Hips And Thighs, And Give You That Sexy Curvy Look You Truly DesireAnd The Best Part Is It Doesn’t Require Any Expensive Gym Equipment So You Can Workout In The Privacy Of Your Own home.Watch The Trailer  I have a couple of very important questions for you:
Have you ever started a workout program and or diet and for some reason just completely stopped?
Have you ever felt sick to the stomach because you thought people were judging you about the way you look?
Or Maybe you just haven’t had the time to exercise due to your busy schedule?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then I have some important news for you…

The news is that you are NOT alone.

Hi ThereMy name is Emily Sparke’s

And I think I know what you are after.

A sexy lean, toned, curvy body, NOT skinny, but curvy, right?
I would like to share with you exactly why I created Bikini Body Shape Up and exactly how I believe this system is going to help you to.

When I was 20 years old I was in a really bad relationship, I was constantly mentally and physically stressed.

This lead me to believe that my appearance was never good enough, which then lead to a mild case of Bulimia, so every time I ate something that I felt guilty about I would force myself to be sick, this was not a good place for me to be living, I was going downhill fast.

Fast forward 4 years, with my new found inspiration for health and fitness and my striving goal to help as many females possible, realize that they are beautiful, and you can live a healthy lifestyle by following a proven system.

This now puts me in a pretty cool position to be able to do something very special for YOU

Remember its not your Fault, there is hope…
But first I have something extremely important for you.
Here Are 3 of The Biggest Myths Out There When It Comes To Achieving Your Bikini Body And Weight Loss Goals #1: You need to eat like a rabbit. 
This couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Eating provides fuel, fuel provides energy, energy provides you the ability to do the things you love and not be stuck to the couch because your to tired.

By following our proven meal plan you will be able to eat nutrient enriched meals, which are not only healthy but are delicious.

   #2: You need to workout in a gym to lose weight.
No Way! Body weight workouts are a perfect way to burn away any unwanted body fat, which will leave you with that curvy, sexy look you are after.

And not only that, you don’t require any expensive gym equipment or an expensive gym membership that most people don’t even use anyway.

The Bikini Body Shape Up program has over 35 different body weight exercises, all designed to shape and tone your body, and leave you feeling like you have had a great workout at the same time.

  #3: I Don’t Need to Exercise, I Can Just Eat Right Cant I?
Although nutrition is the biggest component when it comes to weight loss, resistant training, such as bodyweight workouts will be the determining factor whether you look like….                                      

Women need to trust that building minimal amounts of lean muscle speeds your metabolism, burns fat and is the most important factor to having a shapely body.

Muscle is what gives the shape to your body!

And please understand, that by building lean muscle you will not wake up in the morning looking like Arnold Swarzneggar, our bodies are not designed for this.Lets See What These Ladies Have To Say!
  Introducing The Online Bikini Body Shape Up

 Component #1: The Body Weight Workout Guide. ($97 value) This is a step by step blueprint of all the workouts involved, there are 3 key workouts that you will be alternating with.

Each workout has all the sets, reps, and any additional information to ensure you can perform the exercise’s correctly.

We have also include images that display the before and after position of each exercise.

You can print this out and have it on hand when you are working out. Even better you can save the document to your smart phone and access it that way.

Component #2: Complete Online Workout Videos ($197 value) Online Workout Video 1: Bootylicious Booty
Now after running recent surveys, it has been unanimous that the lower body is definitely a trouble area for us females.

These workouts are designed to tighten and tone your legs, and definitely that butt.

I guarantee after you do this workout, you will feel muscles you never though you had.

And remember what I said earlier, the more lean muscle we have, the less body fat we have. So that means no more lumpy cellulite legs.

 Online Workout Video 2: Totally Toned Arms
Arms are the hardest part of your body to cover up, yes you can wear a Jacket, but what happens when you want to go out one night, and its to hot to wear a jacket, are you going to wear a long sleeve? I guess not.

Well you no longer need to worry about that, the workouts in Totally Toned Arms are designed to give your whole upper body a sleek toned curvy look, from your shoulders right down to your hands. All you need is 1x small Dumbbell 4-6kg and your away. 
 Online Workout Video 3: Amazing Abs
When it comes to the stomach doing the old school crunches 500 x a day is about as useless as a cassette tape from 1999.

In the amazing abs workout we have carefully ordered the exercises in a proven manner, that will definitely yield the best and fastest results possible, resulting in a slim toned stomach.

Strong abs will also stabilize your spine and pelvis, this will provide better posture, which in turn will make you walk taller and sexier, you cant beat that.

 Component #3: The Supplement Diary ($37 value)
In this manual I provide you with the top 5 supplements you can be taking that will not only improve you health and wellbeing but of course fast track your success towards that Bikini Body.

The supplement recommendations are not “mandatory” to follow the program but they will certainly help you achieve your fat-loss and toning goals faster.

  Component #4: Body Assessment Tracker And Planner ($27 value)
This is a 2 in 1. The body assessment provides a printable sheet you can use to track and measure your progress over the 6 week Journey.

And the Workout Planner is a printable sheet you can place on your fridge or wall, so you are prepped and planed for your upcoming workouts.

  Component #5: Stretching For Lean Muscle ($97 value)
When it comes to building lean muscle, we need to be sure our muscle is still flexible, and our range of motion is improving, not decreasing.

Inside the stretching guide you will find the key stretches needed to achieve optimum flexibility, every demonstration is accompanied with images on exactly how to do the stretches.

  Component #6: The Everything You Need To Know Guide ($17 value)
My goal is to help you achieve the sexy toned body you desire, so with that in mind I have created the exact step by step guide on what you need to do and how to understand and use this proven system to achieve your goals, its as easy as counting to 1, 2, 3.

Component #7: ($27 value) Warm Up Guide Of course we would never let you start a workout without doing a PROPER warmup, so we have created 2 Warmup videos for you, demonstrating exactly what to do before you start working out.              

 BONUS COMPONENT#1: Mindset Makeover ($197 value)
To be perfectly honest, this could be the most important part of the program, inside this component you will be given a series of extremely powerful questions that you will need to answer prior to starting your journey.

WHY?Well I have quickly discovered that in order to get ourselves physically right, we need to prepare ourselves mentally first and foremost.

This component will help you discover perspective and give you the driving force you need to achieve your goals seamlessly.

This component would be worth more than the cost of this whole system, that’s how powerful it is.

  BONUS COMPONENT #2: Nutrition Guide ($97 value) (Yours FREE)
This is our latest and greatest version of the extremely popular Slim Down Meal Plan.

It comes complete with an exact  3 Weeks worth of meals, and also advice on how to swap and change meal ideas, so you are not stuck eating the same thing day in day out.  

It also has an example grocery list you can use to take to the grocery store, and a print out chart for your fridge.                 

I also include 24 of the most asked questions when it comes to nutrition, so you will never be left wondering  I even include the Alcohol Bonus question where where I reveal 5 nasty things about alcohol and 3 ways to combat this.

 BONUS COMPONENT #3: Vip Support And Motivation (priceless)
You will gain access to our support forum where you can ask questions, share experiences and much, much more.

There is nothing better than talking to people who are on the same experience.

Normally $97 Now Only $67.00
So What’s A Bikini Body Worth To You?Training with and average personal trainer would set you back anywhere between $50-$80 per session. Over a 6 week period, training 2x per week would cost you anywhere between $600 – $960

Or you could just get certified and pay the 4-10k to learn this information.

But lets be honest, there is no way you want to become certified, and you would probably like to save your $900 from a personal trainer, and spend it on your new wardrobe you are about to need, right?

So with that in mind TODAY you can pick up the Complete 9 Component Online Bikini Body System Today Valued at over $749 For Less than the cost of 1 x personal training session, that’s right for only$67 that’s $30 off the regular price.

Who Is The Bikini Body Shape Up For?
The person who is sick and tired of saying I will start tomorrow and nothing ever happens. 
The person who doesn’t like what they see in the mirror and purposely steers away from any mirror.
The person who finally wants to follow a proven, uncomplicated system that is fun in the process, but more importantly, gets results.
The person who wants an extremely cost effective method that massively over delivers on quality and service.   
However if you are sitting there thinking this is easy and you don’t have to do any work, Im sorry, you will need to work, you will need to sweat, but trust me on this one, at the end, you will be extremely happy you took this life changing step for the best.

But What If It Doesn’t Work?
Yes I Want To Get The Bikini Body Shape Up System NOW!
 Emily Sparke’s
Fitness Professional
P.S. I asked some people to review my Bikini Body Shape Up System, and they’ve all agreed that I should ask more than the price I’m offering it now. I’m not doing that just yet, But who knows? Maybe I will someday soon. So while it’s still at the lowest price, I would grab it now!

P.P.S. Remember, with the Money-Back, 100% Risk-free Guarantee you’ve nothing to lose. If my proven system doesn’t deliver for your case, you get your money back, NO Questions Asked. So make the decision now to finally get the lean, sexy body you’ve always wanted. It’s within your reach! You only have to click here, and you’re on your way

P.P.S I Still Have Some More Questions?
 Why is it so cheap? I want to be able to help as many girls as i can. I realise there are other products out there charging a lot more and providing a far less. However i want to create a WIN/WIN for everyone. How long is this program designed for? This particular program is for a full 6 weeks, once you reach the 6 weeks it would be recommended to change up your workouts, of course after that you can use these workouts again in a alternating fashion. I want to get started now, do i have to wait for it to be shipped to me?  No, All products are downloadable, no physical products will be shipped to your home. This will keep the cost down for you and provide you with immediate access to get started sooner.
How much does the program cost?
All will be revealed Tuesday, but let me tell you that for everyone who gets a copy of the Bikini Body Shape Up on the pre sale will be saving $$$, we are opening up the program to our subscribers only and once it goes to public we will be raising the price. 
I have already got many workout programs from other professionals why should I get yours?
Great question, as you may be aware that when it comes to exercise there is no single program that you can do forever, you need to adapt and change programs as your body will just get to used to it, ie: you will all of a sudden feel as if you have hit a platue, this is because your body is to used to the exercise program, which means, (time for a change) this 6 week program could even be extended to 8-10 weeks, depending on how your body adapts. 

As you are not a professional athlete, you don’t need to be changing your workouts every week. I am also a big believer on having many different workout programs, just like we have many different self help/ coaching books eg, shore the majority of them are crap but there are some real good ones, imagine if you only had 1 of them, you would be very limited on knowledge.

How much weight can I expect to lose?
A lot of this would depend on how much you have to lose in the first place, but our average results of participants is 4-6kg, with some even up to 8-10kg in the 6 week period. 

But I All ready Have A Meal Plan?
That’s cool, this system is not just a meal plan, and definitely not just guidelines,  this is a comprehensive assortment of everything you need to take that step towards your new body. This is not a set of guidelines, you get a full 3 week menu plan that tells you everything to eat.

We cover the workouts, nutrition and of course the mindset. Now I don’t know of any other Bikini Body program out there that covers all these facets. In fact I would go on the record to say, there is no program out there that is as full proof as the Bikini Body Shape Up.

How do I know where to start?
That is the exact reason why we have created the step by step “everything you need to know guide” you can order the program NOW and be started within the hour. We guide you through step -1 through to step – Bikini Body…

I am not in my 20s or 30s, will I still be able to do the workouts?
I have a personal private client that is in her late 40s do these workouts, in fact she loves them that much she wanted to write a review about them.

What if it doesn’t work for me?
Then it’s all FREE.

Simply put, if you follow the Bikini Body Shape Up exactly as outlined in the materials, and do NOT lose body fat, and do not see the true VALUE provided, just contact us and we’ll refund your money.  It’s that simple.

We stand behind our product as the best Bikini Body Program (value for money) ever created, and if doesn’t yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back.  No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.

NOTE: This is a completely downloadable series of video files and pdf documents. No physical products will be shipped to your home. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download all the video workouts onto your computer. The video files can be viewed on Mac or PC and I’ll show you exactly how to view your workouts so you can start right away. Note: This is an instructional video series and is not a follow-along program.

Copyright 2012 | | All Rights Reserved

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Fat Burning Furnace

turn on your speakers!(Make sure your sound is turned on! Please wait up to 10 seconds for the presentation to load.)

lose belly fatDiscover My 1 Trick Of A Tiny Belly In This Weird Presentation Below...

Above are a few of the success stories we’ve received from our Fat Burning Furnace users all over the globe. While these results are exceptional, they don’t reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, don’t apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. They followed our healthy lifestyle program with our unique diet & exercise techniques. The truth is most people hardly do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. In other words, if you want results, you need to take action!

Above are a few of the success stories we’ve received from our Fat Burning Furnace users all over the globe. While these results are exceptional, they don’t reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, don’t apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. They followed our healthy lifestyle program with our unique diet & exercise techniques. The truth is most people hardly do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. In other words, if you want results, you need to take action!

The weight loss presentation on this page will show you how I lost pounds and pounds of stubborn fat, and serious inches off my waist in less than an hour a week, while my wife lost even more than I did, and several dress sizes while enjoying yummy fat burning foods throughout the day! You’ll be pleased to know this isn’t any type of gimmick… these are REAL techniques with healthy nutrition that fights your junk food cravings, unique brief full-body moves that ignite your body’s natural fat burning abilities, and the lifestyle and mindset tricks you need to stay lean, strong and healthy for life. You’re going to want to watch the entire presentation to see exactly how we made our inspirational transformations, how thousands are simply copying our plan, and how you can do the same. Don’t forget! Watch the entire presentation, because you will be surprised!

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©2006 and beyond, Zero to Hero Fitness, LLC, 43422 West Oaks Dr, #216, Novi, MI 48377. We take your privacy very seriously. You can read our entire privacy notice. By entering, you agree to these terms and conditions. You must be 18 or older to enter, and you can read our entire disclaimer. You can also visit our home page, join our newsletter, read our f.a.q., see some of our success stories, read more about us, or order. If you need to, you can also contact our support team.

View the original article here

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-patterning Nutrition Exercise System

Shaun HadsallDid you know that if you intentionally avoid your favorite carbs all the time because you think they’re unhealthy or you believe they’re the root cause of your belly fat, it can be disastrous for your hormone levels and wreak havoc on your metabolism?

Did you know that if you’ve EVER dieted or used a low carb diet, your fat burning hormones automatically plummet, slow down your metabolism and can STOP your body from burning fat in LESS than a week?

Did you know that there are 3 steps you can use to STOP all this from happening and STILL enjoy all your favorite carbs WITHOUT getting fat?

In fact, once you discover these 3 simple steps, you can use carbs to speed up calorie burning, STOP your metabolism from slowing down, and keep your body’s #1 fat burning hormones at healthy levels day in and day out.

All you have to do is follow the 3 simple rules below to ensure that EVERY time you eat your favorite carbohydrates they’re NEVER stored as fat on your body.

This isn’t another hyped up gimmick or diet quick-fix. It doesn’t require any costly supplements. And it works for everyone. Regardless of your age, your gender, or your current condition you can watch your belly get significantly FLATTER in as little as 14 days using this approach.

My name is Shaun Hadsall, and my 15+ years of experience in the diet and nutrition industry have allowed me to acquire a proprietary nutrition secret that will keep your body looking young, help you CONTROL your fat-burning hormones, and legitimately make stubborn belly-fat your body’s DAILY “go-to” energy source.

I’ve used and taught this system to thousands of men and women of all ages from all over the globe, and all you have to do is apply these 3 simple steps right now, and you’ll NEVER store carbs as fat on your body again.

But I do have to warn you. What you’re about ready to read will probably be the exact opposite of what your local dietician, family doctor, or personal trainer will recommend.

That’s because the weight loss industry has fooled everybody into thinking carbs are the enemy and they’ll make you fat if you don’t stop eating them. Low carb, fad diets may work initially but for 95% of the population it’s just a temporary short cut and you’ll gain the weight back TWICE as fast as you lost it.

Below, you’ll find all 3 steps, and you’ll also discover how easy it can be to fix your broken metabolism and FORCE lower belly-fat to be your body’s “go to” energy source on a daily, ongoing basis…

PastaLow carb diets, low carb foods, low carb diet shakes, low carb everything. It’s been around for years now. Unfortunately, it’s not working. In fact, well over 90% of people who start a low carb or trendy diet gain all or more of their weight back within a year of losing it. Even worse, epidemics like obesity and diabetes are at all time highs.

This is why you shouldn’t be afraid of carbs – your body NEEDS them. Carbs stop muscle loss, speed up recovery, provide energy to your brain and body, elevate your metabolic rate, and stimulate your body’s most important fat-burning hormones. Yes, believe it or not, things like insulin aren’t always evil! Your body needs carbs to keep your metabolism healthy, happy, and burning fat.

People who go on chronic low carb diets radically alter their hormones and damage their metabolisms, so their bodies simply won’t burn fat. In fact, it only takes as little as one week of cutting carbs to start losing muscle, slowing down your metabolism and destroying your fat-burning hormones.

Besides, do you really want to constantly obsess over calories, count carbs all the time and deprive yourself of your favorite foods? Of course you don’t…you’ll be miserable.

But there is a “smart” approach you can take to ensure you get all these benefits of carbs WITHOUT fat-storage. It can even help you heal any previous damage you may have done from crash dieting. You’ll see exactly how this method works on the next page.


STOP Carb-Based Fat Spill-OverThere are three simple stages of carbohydrate storage. If you understand how they work, you can eat your favorite carbs and NEVER have to worry about storing them as fat on the body.

But if you don’t, you’ll consistently suffer from carb-based fat “spillover” and continue to accumulate more belly fat and even develop ugly pockets cellulite.

Stage 1: Immediate Energy Needs: As soon as a carb hits your mouth, digestion begins and they are quickly made available for energy needs or stored for later use.

Stage 2: Storage in your Muscles & Liver: Your body then stores carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscle and the liver as a source of energy for movement and daily function. Storage continues until the muscle and/or liver is full.

Stage 3: Spillover / Fat Storage: After just a few short days, when energy intake is abundant and little or no energy is expended, muscle and liver stores over fill and the body starts storing the unused carbohydrates as fat.

In other words, if you’re not consistently utilizing more carbohydrates than you’re taking in, your muscles and liver will “fill up” with glycogen. When this happens, every time you consume carbs (unless you’re burning them off with strategic exercise) they start to “spillover” and automatically be stored as fat.

However, there is a super simple protocol you can use to STOP carb-based fat-spillover and STILL eat all the carbs you want. We’ll share more on the next page.


Stop Spinning Your Wheels!Carb timing confusion is one of the primary reasons that 95% of the population gains their weight back after losing it. 

But when you consume lots of your favorite carbs at the right times (and even cheat foods at specific times), you’ll NEVER have to worry about them getting stored on the body as fat.

Here are 3 simple ways you time your carb intake to LIMIT stage 3 fat-spillover and KEEP your body burning fat.

GOOD: A good time of day to eat your favorite carbohydrates is first thing in the a.m. when your metabolic rate is higher and insulin sensitivity is peaking “naturally”. This means there’s more room in your energy tank to let the carbs in without any fat storage.

BETTER: An even better time to consume impact carbs is 3 to 4 hours before you exercise.

This will ensure the carbs you consume are burned off during and after the workout to avoid fat-spillover and prevent muscle loss. It will also provide you with increased energy levels throughout your workout. Better performance equals more fat and calories burned during and after the workout.

BEST: The best time to consume your favorite carbs is post-workout. When you use the RIGHT TYPE of exercise, your muscles act like a sponge that’s been rung dry, so your body will literally “soak up” all your favorite carbs.

Timing your carb intake the right way is one the easiest ways to eat all your favorite foods while skyrocketing your fat-burning hormones and rebooting your dead metabolism.

This is how you can ALL the fat-burning benefits of carbs listed above and STOP fat-storage from your carb intake.

Simply put, if you eat carbs with the wrong foods – at the wrong times, you’ll STORE fat. If you eat carbs with the right foods at the right times, you’ll BURN fat.

All three of the steps above are part of a unique and proprietary nutrition method we’ve coined, Macro-Patterning™, which gives you the flexibility to eat the foods that you love while strategically using carbs, and all your favorite cheat foods, as a way to rapidly speed up your metabolic rate, preserve lean muscle tissue, and burn an INSANE amount of fat – all at the same time.

But unfortunately, those who don’t have access to this information will continue to consume carbs the wrong way, wreak havoc on their metabolisms, suppress their fat-burning hormones, and prevent stubborn belly fat from being their primary energy source.

If you think cutting carbs and crash dieting with long boring cardio workouts are the only way to burn off lower belly and abdominal fat, the 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan is definitely NOT for you.

However, if you’d like to learn exactly how this solution works, just click the “Next Page” button below and you’ll discover a unique nutrition method you’ve never heard of before that will TURN OFF your body’s dependence on burning sugars and TURN ON your fat-burning switch so your body will use fat FIRST every time you eat or exercise.

It’s proven, it’s efficient and it’s one of the surest and safest ways to getting a flat, attractive belly fast in as little as 14 days WITHOUT strict, complicated diets or eliminating all your favorite carbs.

Next Page

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Truth About Abs: 90% Comms Avail For High Volume Affs

 burn stomach fat7 Odd Foods that KILL Your Abdominal Fat?

Which flat-belly foods actually work…

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

View the original article here

German Version – Truth About Abs – Conv Rate Just Doubled In January

KOSTENLOSES Fettverbrennungs-Tipps Video:

Ungew?hnliche Tipps, um Bauchfett loszuwerden…  

 von Mike Geary – Diplomierter Ern?hrungsexperte und Personal Trainer (CPT)  

 In diesem KOSTENLOSEN Video unten finden Sie:

Schockierende Lebensmittel, die Fett verbrennen

2 sogenannte “gesunde” Lebensmittel, die Sie NIEMALS essen sollten (sie k?nnen sogar zu mehr Bauchfett f?hren)

Motivationsgeheimnisse f?r lebenslangen Fitnesserfolg

1 einmaliger “Trick” um Junk Food Gel?ste zu reduzieren

Aussergew?hnliche ?bungen, die Bauchfett viel schneller verbrennen als typisches “Ausdauertraining”

Die Wahrheit dar?ber, wie man schlanke Bauchmuskeln ohne
“Fat Burner” Pillen erh?lt


M?nner Klicken Hier f?r ihr KOSTENLOSES Video mit wichtigen Tipps, um Bauchfett zu verlieren und einen definierten Waschbrettbauch zu erhalten.


Frauen Klicken Hier f?r ihr KOSTENLOSES Video, welches eine einzigartige Methode zeigt, um hartn?ckiges Bauchfett zu verlieren und einen attraktiven schlanken Bauch zu erhalten.


View the original article here

14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Macro-patterning Nutrition Exercise System

Shaun HadsallDid you know that if you intentionally avoid your favorite carbs all the time because you think they’re unhealthy or you believe they’re the root cause of your belly fat, it can be disastrous for your hormone levels and wreak havoc on your metabolism?

Did you know that if you’ve EVER dieted or used a low carb diet, your fat burning hormones automatically plummet, slow down your metabolism and can STOP your body from burning fat in LESS than a week?

Did you know that there are 3 steps you can use to STOP all this from happening and STILL enjoy all your favorite carbs WITHOUT getting fat?

In fact, once you discover these 3 simple steps, you can use carbs to speed up calorie burning, STOP your metabolism from slowing down, and keep your body’s #1 fat burning hormones at healthy levels day in and day out.

All you have to do is follow the 3 simple rules below to ensure that EVERY time you eat your favorite carbohydrates they’re NEVER stored as fat on your body.

This isn’t another hyped up gimmick or diet quick-fix. It doesn’t require any costly supplements. And it works for everyone. Regardless of your age, your gender, or your current condition you can watch your belly get significantly FLATTER in as little as 14 days using this approach.

My name is Shaun Hadsall, and my 15+ years of experience in the diet and nutrition industry have allowed me to acquire a proprietary nutrition secret that will keep your body looking young, help you CONTROL your fat-burning hormones, and legitimately make stubborn belly-fat your body’s DAILY “go-to” energy source.

I’ve used and taught this system to thousands of men and women of all ages from all over the globe, and all you have to do is apply these 3 simple steps right now, and you’ll NEVER store carbs as fat on your body again.

But I do have to warn you. What you’re about ready to read will probably be the exact opposite of what your local dietician, family doctor, or personal trainer will recommend.

That’s because the weight loss industry has fooled everybody into thinking carbs are the enemy and they’ll make you fat if you don’t stop eating them. Low carb, fad diets may work initially but for 95% of the population it’s just a temporary short cut and you’ll gain the weight back TWICE as fast as you lost it.

Below, you’ll find all 3 steps, and you’ll also discover how easy it can be to fix your broken metabolism and FORCE lower belly-fat to be your body’s “go to” energy source on a daily, ongoing basis…

PastaLow carb diets, low carb foods, low carb diet shakes, low carb everything. It’s been around for years now. Unfortunately, it’s not working. In fact, well over 90% of people who start a low carb or trendy diet gain all or more of their weight back within a year of losing it. Even worse, epidemics like obesity and diabetes are at all time highs.

This is why you shouldn’t be afraid of carbs – your body NEEDS them. Carbs stop muscle loss, speed up recovery, provide energy to your brain and body, elevate your metabolic rate, and stimulate your body’s most important fat-burning hormones. Yes, believe it or not, things like insulin aren’t always evil! Your body needs carbs to keep your metabolism healthy, happy, and burning fat.

People who go on chronic low carb diets radically alter their hormones and damage their metabolisms, so their bodies simply won’t burn fat. In fact, it only takes as little as one week of cutting carbs to start losing muscle, slowing down your metabolism and destroying your fat-burning hormones.

Besides, do you really want to constantly obsess over calories, count carbs all the time and deprive yourself of your favorite foods? Of course you don’t…you’ll be miserable.

But there is a “smart” approach you can take to ensure you get all these benefits of carbs WITHOUT fat-storage. It can even help you heal any previous damage you may have done from crash dieting. You’ll see exactly how this method works on the next page.


STOP Carb-Based Fat Spill-OverThere are three simple stages of carbohydrate storage. If you understand how they work, you can eat your favorite carbs and NEVER have to worry about storing them as fat on the body.

But if you don’t, you’ll consistently suffer from carb-based fat “spillover” and continue to accumulate more belly fat and even develop ugly pockets cellulite.

Stage 1: Immediate Energy Needs: As soon as a carb hits your mouth, digestion begins and they are quickly made available for energy needs or stored for later use.

Stage 2: Storage in your Muscles & Liver: Your body then stores carbohydrates as glycogen in the muscle and the liver as a source of energy for movement and daily function. Storage continues until the muscle and/or liver is full.

Stage 3: Spillover / Fat Storage: After just a few short days, when energy intake is abundant and little or no energy is expended, muscle and liver stores over fill and the body starts storing the unused carbohydrates as fat.

In other words, if you’re not consistently utilizing more carbohydrates than you’re taking in, your muscles and liver will “fill up” with glycogen. When this happens, every time you consume carbs (unless you’re burning them off with strategic exercise) they start to “spillover” and automatically be stored as fat.

However, there is a super simple protocol you can use to STOP carb-based fat-spillover and STILL eat all the carbs you want. We’ll share more on the next page.


Stop Spinning Your Wheels!Carb timing confusion is one of the primary reasons that 95% of the population gains their weight back after losing it. 

But when you consume lots of your favorite carbs at the right times (and even cheat foods at specific times), you’ll NEVER have to worry about them getting stored on the body as fat.

Here are 3 simple ways you time your carb intake to LIMIT stage 3 fat-spillover and KEEP your body burning fat.

GOOD: A good time of day to eat your favorite carbohydrates is first thing in the a.m. when your metabolic rate is higher and insulin sensitivity is peaking “naturally”. This means there’s more room in your energy tank to let the carbs in without any fat storage.

BETTER: An even better time to consume impact carbs is 3 to 4 hours before you exercise.

This will ensure the carbs you consume are burned off during and after the workout to avoid fat-spillover and prevent muscle loss. It will also provide you with increased energy levels throughout your workout. Better performance equals more fat and calories burned during and after the workout.

BEST: The best time to consume your favorite carbs is post-workout. When you use the RIGHT TYPE of exercise, your muscles act like a sponge that’s been rung dry, so your body will literally “soak up” all your favorite carbs.

Timing your carb intake the right way is one the easiest ways to eat all your favorite foods while skyrocketing your fat-burning hormones and rebooting your dead metabolism.

This is how you can ALL the fat-burning benefits of carbs listed above and STOP fat-storage from your carb intake.

Simply put, if you eat carbs with the wrong foods – at the wrong times, you’ll STORE fat. If you eat carbs with the right foods at the right times, you’ll BURN fat.

All three of the steps above are part of a unique and proprietary nutrition method we’ve coined, Macro-Patterning™, which gives you the flexibility to eat the foods that you love while strategically using carbs, and all your favorite cheat foods, as a way to rapidly speed up your metabolic rate, preserve lean muscle tissue, and burn an INSANE amount of fat – all at the same time.

But unfortunately, those who don’t have access to this information will continue to consume carbs the wrong way, wreak havoc on their metabolisms, suppress their fat-burning hormones, and prevent stubborn belly fat from being their primary energy source.

If you think cutting carbs and crash dieting with long boring cardio workouts are the only way to burn off lower belly and abdominal fat, the 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan is definitely NOT for you.

However, if you’d like to learn exactly how this solution works, just click the “Next Page” button below and you’ll discover a unique nutrition method you’ve never heard of before that will TURN OFF your body’s dependence on burning sugars and TURN ON your fat-burning switch so your body will use fat FIRST every time you eat or exercise.

It’s proven, it’s efficient and it’s one of the surest and safest ways to getting a flat, attractive belly fast in as little as 14 days WITHOUT strict, complicated diets or eliminating all your favorite carbs.

Next Page

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Customized Fat Loss

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Maybe it’s already been answered below:

What is Customized Fat Loss?
There is nothing like the CFL anywhere. Period
CFL is a professional, truly customized approach to nutrition. CFL is breakthrough nutritional software that when combined with exercise, torches fat in record time while preserving your lean muscle. It is designed to explode you through your fat loss plateau and have you turning heads 365 days a year!

How does it work?
CFL is exact and tailors fat torching nutrition for you in every way possible using 4 patented formulas. These 4 formulas took years of testing and tweaking with world renowned nutritionists, fitness models and big time bodybuilders to perfect. CFL customizes the nutrition to everything about you; your age, weight, height, and metabolism. Most importantly though CFL customizes the nutrition to your true body type and your goal of melting fat fast. CFL specifically allocates your calories and macronutrients throughout the day DEPENDING on when or if you’re working out so that you achieve maximal fat loss quickly. You will give your body exactly what it needs, when it needs it to shed body fat without any muscle loss. On your off day’s from the gym, your recovery nutrition is custom structured to repair and rebuild broken down muscle tissue quickly.  Using unique calorie and macronutrient shifting techniques your body’s recovery is extremely rapid and muscle soreness is often 100 % eliminated. CFL provides easy to understand charts and graphs that track your transformation progress and will make sure you are on the fastest pace possible to your new, leaner, head-turning physique.

What if I don’t know my true body type?
Don’t worry, hardly ANYBODY does. This is a HUGE reason why the generic nutrition programs they’re following always fail! I walk you through step by step how to determine your true body type in the program.

Who is CFL for? Who is it not for?
CFL was made for people that are serious about their transformation goals. Men and Women, young and old, as long as you’re serious about accepting the truth and using it to make your dream body your reality, CFL was made for you.

What if I don’t like the foods I’m supposed to eat?
Good question. You would be out of luck with a lot of programs out there, BUT not with CFL! You see, the nutritional content of your meal is the most important thing. CFL loads 3 customized meal plans for you to choose from each day that meets your nutritional requirements, BUT it also lets you build your own meal plan or make substitutions if you want. CFL has a data base of almost 1400 different foods that you can select from to help you meet the nutritional requirement of a particular meal. There are numerous foods you can choose from for any meal to give your body the nutrition it needs to shed fat fast.

Is it safe to use my credit card online?
Yes, it is completely and totally safe! Your online order will be passed through a secure connection and this means that your credit card information cannot be accessed by anyone.  The merchant ClickBank is used to process all orders. ClickBank is the most popular and trusted credit card processor on the Internet and uses the strongest security and anti-fraud features available in the world.

In addition to this, they never store your financial data in their system. Your credit card information is directly processed to the bank, and they are the only ones who have access to this information.

What if I don’t know my way around the computer well? I’m scared of ordering something I don’t know how to use!
I absolutely suck at techi stuff myself, so believe me when I tell you, getting started is EXTREMELY easy. I will see you on the next page and take you through how to download the programs step by step. Trust me, it’s not hard at all. I promise!

What if it doesn’t work for me?
Well, if you follow CFL it is absolutely impossible that it won’t work for you! That being said, if for you’re not happy for whatever reason, send me an email and you’ll be issued a prompt 100% refund. I want to give you every reason to start getting your new, head turning body today and I don’t want you to risk a penny to do so. I will take all of the risk.

This should be the easiest decision of your life.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Let’s get started.

View the original article here

Truth About Six Pack Abs: New Spanish Version

5 Alimentos que COMBATEN la Grasa Abdominal

Cuáles son los alimentos para un vientre planoque realmente funcionan…

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